All entries are copyright © 2005 Brepols Publishers; codes and abbreviations are explained in the printed volume
abecedarium [cf. CL A, B, C, D, -arium; calqued on LL alphabetum q.v.] alphabet, script
VGLS:C647@47, WRDN:D827TXTA@180, abgitorium/abgatoria [cf. O.I. `aipgittir'] (? as written or read ritually at a dedication) or an ABC, primer for (?) literacy or (?) Catholic living TRXN:B301@126, TRXN:B301@152, TRXN:B301@160; accepturium [influenced by CL acceptorius] (acc. dfnd = lectionem) SCH:A85@11
[LL] 1. practical, concerned with practicalities CLMB:C639@14, CLMB:C639@22, HAG:A117@113. 2. physically active, concerned with action JSCE:C698@258, JSCE:C708@53, JSCE:C708@58. 3. (in a religious sense) active (opp. contemplatiuus or theoricus q.v.) THL:B341REC1@544, THL:B341REC1@572, THL:C774@121; (sc. uita) THL:B340@3, ALRN:B299@335, THL:B341REC1@537, THL:B341REC1@571, THL:B341REC1@577, THL:B346@91, HAG:D950@95, THL:C778@1296, SDSC:C680@153, JSCE:C713@64; (sc. ecclesia, the Church Militant) THL:B341REC1@573, THL:C774@127, THL:C774@130, THL:C774@131. 4. (in a theological sense) (neut. as sb., sc. peccatum, actual sin (opp. originale)) SDSC:C680@56. 5. (gram.) (neut. as sb., sc. nomen, agentive noun) CLSC:C665@29
[LL] 1. a joining together, combining, integrating JSCE:C704@19 i.a., JSCE:C698@257, JSCE:C700LIB5@883, JSCE:C708@50; (phil.) a unifying,a making as one JSCE:C700LIB3@52, JSCE:C700LIB5@879 i.a., JSCE:C701@1 i.a., JSCE:C703@184. 2. a bringing together, collecting (in ex., relics) HAG:D923@547. 3. a structuring, composition (in ex., sc. of melody) JSCE:C698@219. 4. (sc. parietis, (internal) apex of a building, roof space) JSCE:C698@226
/baptutus [(?) cf. CL battuere] churned (of milk) HAG:B367@173, HAG:B368@173, (sc. buttermilk) LEX:A147@60, LEX:B601@112; babtuta (sb.) (glossed Bryth. emmeni (?l. emmenin) "butter" SCH:A85@3) buttermilk HAG:B400@207, baudaca (dfnd = Mid.I. bláthach) SCH:B337@9
[hisp.; cf. O.I. `bés'] custom, habit, manner SCH:B328@6; (perh. with play on Bessorum feritas) {bestia dicitur de "bessu", hoc est "more (feritatis)"} VGLG:B295@150
brianeus (uir)
[{sicut Romani imperatores "cesares", ... "brianei" omnes (sc. reges ... qui ... possederant Hyberniam) dicti sunt} HAG:B409@289] ruling descendant of Brian Boru HAG:B409@290
[cf. W. cantref, perh. influenced by E. hundred] "cantref", a Welsh territorial unit (notionally of 100 hamlets) LEX:A152@382, LEX:A152@388, cantaredus/kantaredus GRLD:A54@28 i.a., GRLD:A55@169 i.a., GRLD:A61@28, GRLD:A61@58, GRLD:A61@59, (applied to "tricha cét", a similar unit in Ireland) GRLD:A52@145, GRLD:A53@30 i.a., GRLD:A61@59
<charaxare>/caraxare [Gk χαράσσειν (aorist χαράξαι) > LL = to incise, abrade, impress, paint on] to write, set down in writing ((?) cf. characterizare q.v.)
VGLG:B295@4 i.a., VGLG:B296@192 i.a., LEX:B614@198; craxare ADMN:B304@36 i.a., ADMN:B305@178 i.a., DICL:C663PROSE@126 i.a., PDUB:B310@86; croaxare CRNL:C669@7885
<charaxator>/craxator [cf. prec.] writer, transcriber
<charaxatura>/caraxatura [cf. c(h)araxare q.v., (?) CL character] 1. writing, the written form
VGLG:B295@124. 2. (critical) sign, cancellation stroke VGLS:C647@44
<clientella> [cf. CL clienta, clientulus; = O.I. `banchéile'] (? pejor.) (mon.) 1. clentella/cleantilla a wife (sexually abjured by monastic vow)
LEX:B598@82, CLMB:C639@8, clientela [perh. influenced by CL clientela = clientship] CLMB:C640@100. 2. glantella/glandella a female servant or member of household LEX:B602@162, LEX:B614@230, glangella LEX:B614@216
[LL] 1. an opposite, antithesis CLMB:C639@46, JSCE:C700LIB5@965; (phil.) JSCE:C704@177, JSCE:C708@95. 2. an opposed character, discrepant nature THL:C778@1298, JSCE:C698@211; (phil.) JSCE:C700LIB5@962. 3. an anomaly, instance of discrepancy: (from an empirical rule) DICL:C660@385, DICL:C660@428; (phil.) JSCE:C698@221, JSCE:C700LIB4@789; (in testimony) ADAM:E1015@845. 4. a troublesome or perverse nature, contumaciousness THL:C760@435, LIT:C803@II; (of an adverse wind) ADMN:B305@404, ADMN:B305@454, ADMN:B305@456, ADMN:B305@504, HAG:B421@371; (of language) DNGL:C658@467. 5. an instance of opposition, resistance or trouble-making CLMB:C639@34, CLSC:C665@104, HAG:D930@97. 6. (explained as characterizing a form of euangelium q.v.) (probably = one of senses 1 to 5) THL:C765@235.1
[LL] 1. (forms substituted or read for those of Vulgate conterere): to break up (Iob 24:20) GLDS:A27@58; (fig.) to oppress, crush (Amos 8:4) GLDS:A27@57. 2. (past participle) (fig., of the spirit or heart) "broken" (cf. Ps 50(51):19(17)) ALRN:B299@338, ALRN:B299@339, MRXU:B303@68, HAG:B370@148, HAG:B429@412
[hisp.; cf. LL controuers(i)alis] (gram.) indicative of opposition, "contentious" (of adverbs or adverbial phrases) VGLG:B295@116
[cf. CL contus] stick of wood, pole ADMN:B305@410; (used as a measure of distance) ADMN:B305@388
[cf. W. corf] pommel of saddle, saddle-bow SCH:A85@5
{coretis} (abl. pl.) [cf. Cambro-Latin coretibus (abl. pl. only attested) < W. cored] fish-weirs
(P.N.) 1. of Cornwall, Cornish HAG:A114@398, JKRN:A41@33, GRLD:A64@189; (pl. as sb.) the Cornish (people) RHYG:A100@14, HAG:A32@14, HIS:A141@26, HAG:B437@427.2 (cornobienses). 2. of Cornouaille (Finistère) HAG:A111@393, HAG:A111@395, HAG:A111@396
/eulogium [LL < Gk ε'υλογία] 1. verbal blessing or favour MRCR:C730@3, GRLD:A54@23, (liturgical) HAG:D950@140, GRLD:A57@408; aphorism, "bon mot" GRLD:A61@101; sentence, declaration (cf. CL elogium) ASSR:A30@78, (Bibl.) JCLN:E1018@162. 2. physical blessing or gift ADMN:B305@340, JCLN:E1018@210; bread or wine that has been blessed ADMN:B305@352, HAG:B384@55, BILI:D825PROSE@591, (in the Eucharist) CLMB:C642@142, CLMB:C642@148. 3. (hisp.) well-formed language, proper speech SCH:B325@72, SCH:B325@84
[LL = an uprooting, eradication] (metonymic in exx.): storm-wrack VGLS:C647; a plant-cutting, slip (for propagation) JSCE:C698@256
[LL] 1. to despise, treat with contempt THL:B340@13. 2. (in context of Gaelic law) to deprive of personal honour (O.I. `enech') JCLN:E1018@227. 3. ex(h)onerare [influenced by (or perh. with play on) CL exonerare] to deprive of specific honour(s) GRLD:A60EPIST@221, GRLD:A74HUYG@227
[hisp.; coined in contradistinction to CL facies] representation, reflection, outward or secondary appearance (as opposed to true or primary manifestation) VGLG:B295@28, VGLG:B295@62
(sb.) [hisp.; perh. coined from misinterpretation of LL facile scintillas emittit; MS correction focile influenced by CL focus] a "steel" (for striking sparks from flint) SCH:B325@98
[back-formation from fossatum q.v.; cf. CL fodere] to construct a rath (around), to (build an earthen) rampart: (symbolically) HAG:B389@100; (defensively) HAG:B444@519.1
[cf. CL fossa] one who digs the ground, a labourer HAG:B444@519.1, HAG:B444@521.1
[LL] 1. a rath (a sort of circular earthwork typical of Celtic Ireland) (defensive in exx.) GRLD:A52@182, GRLD:A52@183. 2. a trench or ditch: (defending an Irish monastic settlement) HAG:B370@146 (? fossetum); (defending an Irish settlement of Viking origin) GRLD:A52@187, GRLD:A53@32, GRLD:A53@84, GRLD:A53@90; (as a tactical impediment to a linear advance) GRLD:A53@160. 3. earthwork forming part of outermost defence of a Norman fortification: (in Ireland) GRLD:A53@56; (in Wales) GRLD:A54@50, GRLD:A54@52; (in England) GRLD:A57@367
[dim. of CL fouea] a pitfall (in ex., to trap small monsters) VGLS:C647@25
[LL] 1. enmity, (attitude of) hostility: (between groups or nations) GRLD:A53@244, GRLD:A54@138, GRLD:A55@219, GRLD:A61@30; (towards an individual) GRLD:A61@38, GRLD:A64@140. 2. warfare, belligerence GRLD:A53@240, GRLD:A54@103, GRLD:A64@140, GRLD:A64@165; hostilitatis tempus, a period of unrest, "state of war" GRLD:A54@40, GRLD:A74HUYG@278. 3. (by metonymy) enemy forces ADMN:B305@248. 4. (Welsh legal usage, corresponding to W. galanas): (declaration of) blood-feud LEX:A152@354, LEX:A152@395; (dfnd = hominem interficere LEX:A152@332) homicide or other cause of blood-feud LEX:A152@334, LEX:A152@345
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